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Walking For Weight Loss - 4 Facts to Know Before You Start

Walking, according to many experts, is one of the best exercises for losing weight, you can do. This is the line - perhaps the most accessible, it is effective - your whole body workout instead of just one or two muscles, and it's available - you can do, when and where they happen to be. But more than that, it makes you healthy (heart, bones and reduce the chances of cancer and two types of diabetes), improves the function of your brain and gets you 47% less likely to be hit by the depression? This is for you fitter and lose all that weight and thin, reaching to heaven.

But before you strap on your sneakers, a few things you need to know to maximize the effect of weight loss.

1: Running vs. Walking

No one thinks that it is faster, you burn more fat and calories than you burn, right? Wrong! Calories you will burn the miles, almost the same calories you burn walking on the same pipe. This is without even considering the fact that, when running, if you're an Olympic marathon competitor, burn mostly sugar and burn fat to walk. So save your breath and focus on distance rather than speed. This will make walking more fun and you're more likely to stick with it.

2: Short bursts, or all in one long walk?

To make savings on foot (for example, 3 sets of ten minutes on foot instead of the long 30-minute walk) of forests are still the same calories as well as all one shot. Thus, to fit in your schedule to walk, where you can during the lunch hour in the morning, or when it's convenient for you.

In fact, since the calorie burn will continue after the end of leg, foot distribution during the day means that you increase the amount of calories your body burns all day throughoug. But continued to walk, make sure you finish the "quota" to walk every day. If you decide to spend 40 minutes walking every day, and the two 20-minute stages, not to "forget" the next trip!

3: Where to walk

You know, that helps you lose more calories walking on different surfaces? You see, when you walk on sand, dirt or gravel, grass or uphill with a crisis, your body actually uses more energy to walk and meet with more resistance, which means that, without actually increasing the intensity of exercise, you lose more weight. Walking along the pavement has added benefit of stimulating the acupoints on your feet, increasing energy flow and improve blood pressure. This textured walking!

4: Keep it going

You do not want this experience to exercise and weight loss to Peter outside, as in any other weight loss plans. So, try these three tips to keep it going.

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